Drug overdose is a growing public health crisis that now kills more adults per year in the United States than motor vehicle accidents. In cars, seatbelts and…
SALOME Participants Need An Exit Strategy
The SALOME study (Study to Assess Longer-term Opioid Medication Effectiveness), is a clinical trial being conducted in Vancouver, BC. The study compares the effectiveness of six months…
Harm Reduction and the Public Good in Victoria, BC
It seems that in Canada, public meetings about harm reduction bring out the best and worst in people. This was certainly the case on Wednesday at a…
Cheap, Easy, and Lifesaving—Naloxone Treatment for Overdose
How much does it cost to save a life? That question got a clear and striking answer this week in the case of overdose from heroin in the…
The Missing Link in Overdose Prevention
Long-established medical practice supports prescribing pre-loaded syringes of epinephrine to people having severe, life-threatening allergic reactions to allergens such as bee stings, nuts and shellfish. Patients, including…
The Drug War in Your Passport
On October 18th, 1929, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England, the highest court in Canada at the time, made a landmark decision that would…
Qu’est-ce que la naloxone?
La naloxone est un composé chimique sécuritaire et très efficace qui inverse les effets des opiacés comme l’héroïne. Depuis 40 ans, elle est utilisée dans des milieux…
Rapport du directeur
Les trois derniers mois ont foisonné d’activités comme nous établissons davantage notre présence comme CCPD et formons des liens avec des organisations et des personnes du pays…
NAOMI Research Survivors: Experiences and Recommendations
On March 31st, 2012 the NAOMI Patients Association (NPA) will celebrate the completion of their first research report, NAOMI Research Survivors: Experiences and Recommendations. To mark the…