Originally posted on straight.com on June 9th, 2016 at 1:43 PM Stacey Forrester is a Vancouver-based harm-reduction advocate and nurse involved in projects on health and safety at live-music events and…
Canada charts a new path on drug policy
Scott Bernstein is the global drug policy program officer at the New York-based Open Society Foundations. He’s also the former health and drug policy campaigner for Pivot Legal Society,…
Are 420 gatherings still relevant?
On April 20th, or 420, I spoke with several reporters. They were particularly interested in my thoughts on 420 protests calling for the legalization of cannabis and…
War on Drugs Takes Center Stage at UN as Global Leaders and International Activists Assemble in NY
Hannah Hetzer is the Senior Policy Manager of the Americas for the Drug Policy Alliance. Suchitra Rajagopalan is pursuing her Bachelor of Laws at the University of…
Drug policy should focus on harm reduction
Katrina Pacey is the executive director of the Pivot Legal Society. Donald MacPherson is the executive director of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition. The flurry of new…
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition/Canadian HIV / AIDS Legal Network Policy Briefs
Harm Reduction Brief Canada is known around the world as a leader in harm reduction. It is host to the first, and only supervised consumption site in…
Le temps est venu de repenser notre approche en ce qui concerne la consommation de drogues en milieu carcéral
Il s’agit du troisième d’une série de trois articles consacrés à l’importance d’envisager une réforme des politiques et programmes en vigueur dans les prisons canadiennes. Vous pouvez consulter…
Why Canada is no longer a leader in global drug policy
Co-authored with Jenna Valleriani, director of Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy. This op-ed first appeared in the Globe and Mail, Feb. 27, 2015 Prime Minister Stephen…
Une situation douloureuse : L’accès aux médicaments en milieu carcéral
Il s’agit du deuxième d’une série de trois articles consacrés à l’importance d’envisager une réforme des politiques et des programmes en vigueur dans les prisons fédérales canadiennes….