Syringe services program changes during COVID-19, Syringe services program changes during COVID-19,
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“Syringe services program (SSP) operational changes during the COVID-19 global outbreak. Syringe services programs (SSPs) are community-based programs that offer tailored social and medical services to PWID, including access to sterile and clean injection equipment, onsite and referrals to sub- stance use treatment, HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) testing, and overdose prevention through naloxone distribution. Currently, there are over 400 SSP locations across the United States (US) providing life-saving care to PWID. However, with the unprecedented developments regarding COVID-19, service delivery may be severely disrupted, and operational changes may be imperative to protect SSP staff and to ensure continuity of services. We provide preliminary data regarding SSP operational and service delivery changes during the US’ response to the COVID-19 global pandemic and provide key policy and service provision im- plications for SSPs.”