Victoria, B.C. | April 26, 2024 — The Harm Reduction Nurses Association is profoundly frustrated and disappointed to hear the British Columbia provincial government’s announcement that they…
Open Letter to Saskatchewan government Re: Health Policy Changes
January 25, 2024 To: Hon. Scott Moe Premier of Saskatchewan [email protected] Hon. Everett Hindley Minister of Health [email protected] Hon. Tim McLeod Minister of Mental Health and Addictions…
For Immediate Release: Nationwide Support Rallies as Vancouver Police Target Safe Drug Supply Program
Vancouver, BC | October 27, 2023 — Advocates, community organizations and concerned members of the public across the country are adding their names to an open letter condemning the…
Avec une attention internationale grandissante sur les impacts et le grand potentiel des services d’analyse de substances, un certain nombre d’évènements à la conférence de HR17 ont…
Façons de contribuer
Alors que 2016 tire à sa fin, nous nous remémorons le drame qui perdure au Canada; le nombre sans précédent de décès liés aux surdoses cette année….
Canada needs to vote against a government that supports Bill C-2 & C-36, and here is why…
Sex workers who work in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver, British Columbia have faced some of the most extreme violence in Canadian history: Robert Pickton, Donald Bakker, and others have preyed…
The Political Parties Response to our Drug Policy Questionnaire
Last month, we worked with the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and “moms united and mandated to saving the lives of Drug Users” (mumsDU) to send out a…
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition/Canadian HIV / AIDS Legal Network Policy Briefs
Harm Reduction Brief Canada is known around the world as a leader in harm reduction. It is host to the first, and only supervised consumption site in…
Le temps est venu de repenser notre approche en ce qui concerne la consommation de drogues en milieu carcéral
Il s’agit du troisième d’une série de trois articles consacrés à l’importance d’envisager une réforme des politiques et programmes en vigueur dans les prisons canadiennes. Vous pouvez consulter…