Tips for a Tricky Topic Now, how about some of that pie?
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: National Organizations Deeply Concerned with Saskatchewan’s Health Policy Shift
People who use drugs will suffer the consequences of backward-thinking and restrictive policies January 26, 2024 | Two leading national human rights organizations have addressed the Saskatchewan provincial government to…
For Immediate Release: Nationwide Support Rallies as Vancouver Police Target Safe Drug Supply Program
Vancouver, BC | October 27, 2023 — Advocates, community organizations and concerned members of the public across the country are adding their names to an open letter condemning the…
When law and policy is unjust, communities have no choice but to act.
The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) arrest of Drug User Liberation Front (DULF) founders on October 25th, 2023 is an act of political and moral cowardice. In the…
Overdose prevention and response during COVID-19
Overdose prevention and response during COVID-19, Overdose prevention and response during COVID-19 Click HERE for more resources
Supporting people who use drugs in acute care settings during COVID-19
This document is one of six guidance documents by the CRISM network at the request of the federal government to address urgent needs of people who use drugs
Expanded Response Options to Opioid Harms: Case Study from Four Cities
COVID-19 pandemic compounds an ongoing public health crisis. There is a heightened need to reduce avoidable pressures on healthcare systems and support people who use opioids.
Harm Reduction and COVID-19 Guidance for Service Providers
Guidance for service providers on how to alter harm reduction practices during pandemic to reduce spread of COVID-19 | Alberta Health Service COVID guidance
COVID-19 Stimulant Use and Harm Reduction
The following is a non-exhaustive tip sheet for stimulant-preferring or polydrug users, focusing on amphetamines, cocaine and crack cocaine.