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- COVID-19 harm reduction guide for sex workers (National Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Responding to drug overdose during COVID-19 (BC CDC, Peer2Peer Project)
- Using an oximeter during an overdose response (BC CDC, Peer2Peer Project)
- Safer drug use during COVID-19 (Black CAP’s Toronto Urban Health Fund Harm Reduction Outreach Team, Black Health Alliance, UofT’s Black Medical Students Association)
- Sex in the time of COVID-19 executive summary (Digital Sexual Health Initiative)
- Virtual Care for Mental Health and Substance Use During COVID-19 (CCSA)
- Sex work in the time of COVID-19
- Procedures for drug service providers during COVID-19 (CAPUD)
- Urgent action to address inequitable COVID-19 response for people experiencing homelessness
- Alternatives to calling the police during the pandemic
- COVID-19 and sex: graphic 1, graphic 2, graphic 3, graphic 4, graphic 5
- COVID-19 sex and social distancing
- COVID and harm reduction safety tips (FR/EN)
- Health Canada Section 56.1 Class Exemption
- Naloxone and COVID-19
- Housing is Healthcare
- Safe Supply and Self-Advocacy Tool (BCAPOM)
- Five Social Justice Demands During the Crisis
- COVID-19 Harm Reduction Tips (City of Toronto)
- Outreach Guidelines During COVID-19 (Province of Manitoba)
- See also: Outreach guidelines during COVID-19 (MHRN)
- Homelessness & Shelter Bed Spacing
- How to Access Safer Drugs (BC-Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors)
- COVID-19 and our Civil Liberties
- COVID-19 and Pharmacotherapy (Harm Reduction Victoria, AUS)
- COVID-19 and Drug Use (Harm Reduction Victoria, AUS)
- COVID-19 Planning (Harm Reduction Victoria, AUS)
- COVID-19 Overdose Response Tips (Toronto Public Health)
- Frontline Worker Safety Guide
- Alcohol Use & COVID-19
- Rights in the time of COVID-19 (UNAIDS)
- Harm Reduction Tips (MHRN)