April 13, 2022 The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P.Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos Minister of Healthcc:…
Imagine safer supply: envisioning an ideal safe supply program, from available substances to the staff and setting
People dreamed of the life they could lead without having to hustle or do crime to feel normal.
I’ve been to rehab four times and I may never stay sober. I’m still recovering.
I am not broken. They system is.
Moms Stop the Harm and Lethbridge Overdose Prevention Society Launch Legal Action Against Alberta Government
Taking the fight to court – Protecting life-saving harm reduction services in Alberta
We grieve for the communities of the 215 Indigenous children
We take pause in our work on drug policy in Canada to once again remember that our current drug policies have colonial and racist roots and that our work ahead is to stand with and support Indigenous Peoples and work together to create policies that end the discrimination, oppression and other devastating consequences so many experience.
Cycling to stop the harm. A journey across Canada in support of progressive drug policy
My journey across three provinces to help end stigma around substance use
Looking ahead to 2021 and the fight for drug policy reform
In 2021, the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition will train its focus on decriminalization and the legal regulation of drugs to help end the harms of the toxic drug market.
Canada’s busiest supervised consumption site shuts its doors on International Overdose Awareness Day
People will likely die without the supervised consumption services ARCHES provides and the community of care built around it.
Decriminalizing drugs and the path towards defunding police
We must all help to ensure this pivotal moment in history led by the courage of the Black community bends towards justice.