Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

Join us in shaping a future free from the harms of drug prohibition.

Read our Vision & Mission

Issue Areas

Legal Regulation

We advocate for legal regulations to support safety and community well-being.

Unregulated drugs are killing people. Because they have no regulations around safety and no oversight, there is no way for people to know the contents and dosage. Our society understands responsible regulation of substances like alcohol, tobacco and cannabis. Legal regulation could eliminate criminal penalties, prioritize public health, safeguard vulnerable populations and uphold human rights. This approach understands drug use as morally neutral and recognizes humans across cultures and histories have consumed drugs for different reasons. We can make all people safer by reducing harm and embracing a pragmatic, compassionate approach.  


We prioritize health and human rights, acknowledging the imperative to save lives and protect communities.

Criminalization has proven ineffective: it has not reduced drug use or availability; it has driven a surge in drug poisoning deaths, and it puts millions of dollars into the pockets of organized crime. Rooted in racism, this policy has persisted for over a century, resulting in more than 40,000 deaths in Canada since 2016. Now, a critical mass is calling for a bold shift away from prohibition, with politicians, doctors, and public health officials advocating drug decriminalization. With this approach, we prioritize health and human rights, acknowledging the imperative to save lives and protect communities. It is time for a transformative shift. 

Human Rights

All people have the right to dignity and health, regardless of their relationship to drug use. 

Our drug laws and policies should uphold the basic human rights of all people, including people who use drugs. This includes the right to life, health, bodily autonomy, adequate standards of living, and liberty and security of the person. A rights-based approach also means that duty bearers such as governments have an obligation to uphold these rights. We advocate for policies that support, not punish people and communities, and for systems that address drivers of harms associated with drug use, like poverty and discrimination.