Reporting on Canadian Drug Policy

The CDPC is in the process of preparing a report on Canadian drug policy. Due out this winter in advance of the next meeting of the International Narcotics Control Board, this report will assess the state of Canada’s drug policy frameworks using a public health, social inclusion and human rights lens.

In Canada, as in most other places in the world, the best-funded response to problems associated with drug use has been to increase law enforcement efforts, resulting in the incarceration of increasing numbers of people who use drugs.

Our critical assessment of policy frameworks will reveal the extent to which our governments are committed to effective policies that prevent and reduce harms associated with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and seek alternatives to criminalization.

This report will provide the baseline data for future reports on drug policy in Canada and it will be a cornerstone in the Coalition’s advocacy work. The CDPC is seeking your help with this project. If you have any information you would like to share about your organization or your experience with drug policy in Canada, or if you want more information about this project, please contact Connie Carter, Senior Policy Analyst, by email at [email protected].

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